Faip Service

FAIP Service is an associative service project, which was created to guarantee members constant professional assistance and access to new opportunities.

The offer is aimed not only at Members, but also at Users interested in Counseling, offering the possibility of accessing Counseling services and Training activities at facilitated and competitive conditions.


FAIP for  YOU” is the service designed by FAIP Italia Counseling for Users interested in the counseling experience. The service includes the Training Area and the Consulting Area.

Training Area: Short Counseling
These are micro counseling courses aimed at professionals who want to deepen their knowledge of Counseling, in order to use it as an additional tool, in their specific area of professional expertise.

The courses, divided into thematic modules related to the various professional paths, are aimed at acquiring certified Counseling skills.

The training is divided into face-to-face, residential and online lessons, guided internship, preparation of a paper and end-of-course exam. At the end of the course, FAIP Italia Counseling issues a Certificate of Certificate.

Counseling Area: E-Counseling
This is an online Counseling Desk that consists of a listening service and individual and/or group counseling with our Counselors. The service is online and the cost affordable.

E-Counseling Services and Distance Learning can now take place using the webinar platform  or the Zoom and similar platforms or the Skype program. Both modes allow you to make video calls via the internet, using any type of PC, and devices such as tablets and smartphones. The video call is the relational modality that comes closest to a live interview and allows you to live the empathic experience in all its nuances (paraverbal, proxemics, gestures). To access this mode of service, you must have a webcam, a broadband internet connection (ADSL or fiber optic) and a quiet and private environment. Counseling and distance learning are valuable opportunities, easily accessible from your home or during a break in your working day. You also save on expenses and time related to travel and related stress (traffic, parking, mishaps…).

Professionals, in addition to the Code of Ethics, are required to comply with the Deontological Protocol, specific to online sessions.

For information: service@faipitaliacounseling.it


The Association also offers a legal advice and protection service for professionals registered with FAIP Italia Counseling. The legal service is provided by a team of expert lawyers who will be available to members by telephone once a week, to assist them in legal advice activities and also support them in any civil and criminal litigation relating to the profession of the Counselor or to the teaching activity related to the Counseling Courses of enrolled professionals and affiliated schools.

For information: ufficiolegale@faipitaliacounseling.it


The Tax and Administrative Consultancy Service made available to all Members and Schools registered with FAIP Italia Counseling provides:

 sending of an Information Note concerning the legislation and tax obligations for associations, schools and professionals (with updates);
 free general advice from our experts, accountants, consultants and notaries, for all tax and administrative obligations, with a personalized consultancy service at particularly favorable discounted prices;
 organization of seminars and information activities on a periodic basis dedicated to legal, fiscal and administrative issues relating to the category of non-professional orders and associations that carry out teaching and training activities. Opening of tax position, fiscal, accounting, social security and administrative obligations. Tax and civil law aspects of non-professional associations.

The facilitated Tax and Administrative Service is extended to all tax and administrative aspects; the discounted discount is also applicable to the Member’s family.

For information: service@faipitaliacounseling.it